Our Story

How it all started...

We started small, really small. Our first meeting was at Davis Chapel.  A historical site located in Danbury NC. This church was built in the 1700's and still stands to this day. Our heart was bigger than our knowledge and we faithfully began seeking Gods face together at this old, drafty place of worship. Pastor Sam Bowman cut his teeth on the slanted alter at this chapel, and our worship team consisted of Sarah Davis (current worship leader) and a CD player. So much of our time was spent dreaming of the future of  TKP Ministries, but now we look back with joy and thankfulness knowing that even though we didn't have a modern stage, cameras for live streams or even a website, Jesus faithfully met us here every Sunday.

Expanding the vision...

In 2020, thru faithful friends, we moved to a new building and our church family began to grow. We have always had a simple vision, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and since our founding, our goal has remained the same. Though our location may have changed, our purpose remains the same. We are so thankful for our current home. We have seen God heal, deliver, save and restore within these four walls and cant wait to see what he does next. 

Where we are headed...

Much like our original location, our family has grown and the space we have has become increasingly limited. Our vision for the future is to build a new facility capable of housing all the lord would send our way.  This vision that we believe was given us by Jesus is a team effort. We would't be where we are today without your support. We have never and by the grace of God will never be a "pay for pray' ministry. Your donations and tithes go directly into the future of this church. For that, we cant thank you enough!

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:30AM